
    Tentative Study on Chinese Ancient Chivalric Novel

    • 摘要: 侠义精神乃人类善良天性的一个重要方面。通过对先秦儒、墨、道、法四大思想流派以及汉初《史记》侠义观的撮要勾勒,论证了中国古代侠义资源的丰厚性。正是在这种丰厚资源的基础上,萌生了中国最早的侠义小说《干将莫邪》和《李寄》,开辟了中国侠义小说的源头。对《干将莫邪》和《李季》的思想内容和艺术特色作出了鞭辟入里的分析,也指出了它们客观存在的历史局限。


      Abstract: Chivalric spirit is one of the important respects of the kind nature of human being. The paper, through outlining the confusionists, Mohists, Taoists and Legalists, the four ideological schools of pre-Qin Period and chivalrous viewpoints of "Historical Records" early Han Dynasty, demonstrates the abundance of Chinese ancient chivalric resource. Just on this basis were bom the earliest Chinese chivalric novels, "Ganjiang and Moye" and "Liji", which initiated the source of Chinese chivalric novel. This paper makes a detailed analysis on the contents and artistic characteristic of the two novels, and points out their historical limitations.


