System of Trademark Dilution Applied in China's Legislation
摘要: 在分析商标淡化制度的基础上,指出商标淡化是指减少、削弱驰名商标或其他具有相当知名度商标的识别性和显著性,损害、玷污该商标的行为。该制度已为美国、德国、法国立法以及《巴黎公约》等国际公约所采用,对于驰名商标的保护发挥了重要作用。为适应新的形势,建议我国商标法采用该种制度,在立法中明确商标淡化的概念并对商标淡化制度作出系统的规定。Abstract: Trademark dilution means action of reducing,weakening,damaging,or disgracing well-known trademark and other trademark with high reputation.This system has been Applied by United States,Germany,France,and Paris Convention.The system plays an important role in protecting trademark.In order to adapt new situation,we should make clearly and definitely the concept of trademark dilution and prescribe a systematical regulation of this system in the Trademark Law of China.