
    Exploring the Dilemma of Digital Labor Justice Under Marx's View of Labor Justice

    • 摘要: 数字与资本的合谋造就了当下劳动的畸变,劳动创造幸福的发展逻辑已然被资本所钳制,其在劳动资料和对象持有、劳动活动过程、劳动产品分配和劳动主体关系层面皆面临全新的正义危机。马克思始终秉持“现实的人”的发展逻辑,立足于工人阶级立场,对资本宰制下的劳动展开了全面而深刻的批判,揭示了资本统摄下劳动的非正义样态,为广大无产阶级劳动纾困指明了现实路径。在当今数字资本主义时代,尽管劳动形态有所更替,其内在所蕴含的剥削与压迫逻辑却并未发生实质性改变。面对新形势下的劳动正义困境,仍需坚守马克思劳动正义观的底层逻辑,进一步深化数字劳动正义研究,从持有正义、过程正义、分配正义和关系正义着手,推动数字劳动正义困境的消解,使数字技术真正成为推动社会进步、增进人民福祉的强大动力。


      Abstract: The conspiracy between digits and capital has created the aberration of labor, and the development logic of labor creating happiness has been suppressed by capital, which may result in a brand-new crisis of justice in the holding of labor means and objects, the process of labor activities, the distribution of labor products, and the relationship between labor subjects. Marx always adhered to the development logic of "real people", and based on the position of the working class, he launched a comprehensive and profound criticism of labor under the domination of capital, revealing the injustice of labor under the domination of capital, and pointing out a realistic path to alleviate the problems of labor for the proletariat. In today's digit-capitalist era, although the form of labor has changed, the logic of exploitation and oppression inherent in it has not changed substantially. In the face of the dilemma of labor justice in the new situation, it is still necessary to adhere to the underlying logic of Marx's thought on labor justice, further deepen the research on digital labor justice, and promote the dissolution of the dilemma of digital labor justice by starting from the justice in the holding, process, distribution and relationship, so as to make the digital technology into a powerful driving force for the social progress and people's well-being.


