
    Urban-rural and Regional Structural Changes in the Process of Chinese Modernization

    • 摘要: 实现城乡、区域协调发展,是畅通国内大循环、推动经济高质量发展、实现中国式现代化的必然要求。当前,中国城乡和区域发展不均衡问题仍较为突出,城乡与区域结构的现代化转型面临新的问题与挑战。特别是与其他国家相比,中国城乡与区域发展不均衡问题呈现出更为复杂、多样的特征。城乡结构方面,伴随人口流动的普遍化,中国正从“农民-市民”二元城乡结构走向“农民-流动人口-市民”多元城乡结构。区域结构方面,既有的东中西梯度发展格局尚未改变,与此同时“东北振兴”问题日益迫切,南北差距也呈现扩大趋势。消弭空间发展不均衡、实现中国城乡与区域结构现代化是一项复杂系统工程,关系到乡村振兴、县域经济高质量发展、产业链供应链安全乃至中国式现代化目标的实现。对此,需要全面深化户籍制度改革,推进城乡公共服务均等化;破解县域经济发展中普遍存在的以传统产业为主的产业发展路径依赖,以及人情、面子等传统关系文化的“双重路径依赖”,实现县域经济高质量发展,对破解中国城乡与区域不均衡问题也至关重要。


      Abstract: The urban-rural and regional coordinated development is a crucial foundation for achieving the smooth domestic circulation, high-quality economic growth, and Chinese modernization. The imbalances in China's urban-rural and regional development remain a major challenge, and the modernization of these structures faces new problems and complexities. Specifically, urban-rural and regional disparities in China are becoming increasingly multifaceted. In terms of urban-rural structure, with widespread population mobility, China is transitioning from a dual "farmer-urban resident" model to a more diverse "farmers-migrant population-urban residents" framework. Regarding regional structure, the existing gradient development pattern across the east, central, and west has not changed. Meanwhile, the "revitalization of the Northeast" issue has grown more prominent, and the north-south disparity continues to widen. Modernizing China's urban-rural and regional structures is a complex task that directly impacts rural revitalization, high-quality county-level economic development, industrial supply chain security, and the realization of Chinese modernization. All these require comprehensive reforms to the household registration system (hukou) and efforts to equalize urban and rural public services. Additionally, overcoming the dependence on traditional industries and addressing the "dual path dependency" of non-institutional, traditional cultural factors, such as personal networks and social obligations, are crucial for fostering high-quality county-level economic development and resolving urban-rural and regional imbalances in China.


