
    On Goals and Measures to Establish First-class Academic Journals——In View of College Journals of Arts

    • 摘要: 高校文科学报在创建一流学术期刊的过程中尚处于起步阶段,应当积极融入,锚定建设目标、坚守初心、引领创新、追求高品质,并引导学术研究立足中国实际,回应现实关切,把论文写在中国大地上。高校文科学报创建一流学术期刊责无旁贷且大有可为,应积极采取有效措施,不断支持优秀学术人才成长,促进中外学术交流。一是彰显文科学报的政治属性,站稳政治立场;二是争取意识形态主动权;三是发挥综合期刊的相对优势;四是增强期刊国际话语权;五是采取措施激发编辑潜能。提出主管部门应优化调整和出台相关扶持政策;采纳中国人文社会科学期刊的多维度综合评价标准;加大专家赋值、吸收“法纪指标”“社会效益指标”“新型计量指标”;有条件地实行国内国际同等对待政策;建立和完善立项资助分级培育体系,促进“创真一流、真创一流、争创一流”。


      Abstract: The goal of establishing the world first-class scientific and technological journals has clearly been advanced. Therefore, College journals of liberal arts cannot be absent from this process and should be actively integrated. It is still in the beginning stage for university liberal arts journals to establish the first-class academic ones. From the perspective of the problems present, it is not only the lack of sense of the times, but also the lack of grasping the characteristics of the media and of accurate perception of the standard of "first-class". Thus, it is urgent for colleges in China to find the right remedy and catch up the current tide. The goal of the first-class academic periodicals may include but are not limited to the world first-class scientific and technological periodicals, and the journal staffs should have a duty-bound and promising role in their mind to play in establishing first-class academic periodicals. The countermeasures should be to get rid of the outdated idea and bring forth the new. First, the correct political orientation should be held. As for college journals of liberal arts, it is necessary to have distinct political attribute, and must strive for the ideological initiative and strengthen the right to speech for the international affairs. The second is to optimize and adopt the comprehensive evaluation criteria system, expert assignment and absorb "law and discipline index", "social benefit index" and "new measurement index". Third, multiple measures are taken for excellence. Both domestic and international editors should be treated as equal in project funding. Efforts should be done to stimulate the potential of editors and strive to reach the first class.


