
    China Must Keep a Tight Rein on Its Food-supply——Reviews of Food Production Since 1949 and Future Strategies

    • 摘要: 中国在5 000年亘古未断的历史发展中,为人类社会创造了璀璨辉煌的农耕文明,而粮食在中国传统农业中自始至终占有举足轻重的地位。阐释回顾了新中国粮食生产的发展历程,以及粮食购销制度的演变过程。在此基础上,指出新形势下中国粮食生产面临的问题,如粮食生态环境、粮食效益及粮食大量进口等。进而针对未来中国粮食生产发展趋势进行了分析,并提出了对策建议,强调应居安思危,把中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中;放大资源观,调动和发挥“两个积极性”,解决粮食自给;强化科技创新,建立蛋白饲料基地,确保粮食安全等。


      Abstract: As a long history of great agricultural civilization, China paid a great attention to food production throughout ancient times and food production was playing an important role in China's agriculture. The history of food production and the evolution of food purchasing and marketing system have been reviewed. Based on it, the issues of food production, such as ecological environment, food efficiency, and large import of food, are discussed. Through the analysis of trends of food production, the paper has come to the conclusion that China must ensure its food security so as to have control over its food supply by means of scientific and technological innovations, constructing protein feed bases and efficiently using resources.


