
    The Influence of MOOC Learing Percepation on Learning Performance

    • 摘要: MOOC教育随着互联网技术的迅速发展在受到大学生的欢迎的同时,也存在课程学习持续性差、完成率低等问题。在技术接受模型(TAM)等相关理论分析的基础上,对西安交通大学MOOC参与者的464份有效问卷进行了数据验证与分析。研究发现:大学生MOOC学习的有用性感知对线上互动行为和学习绩效有显著影响;易用性感知显著影响有用性感知,并进一步影响线上互动和学习绩效;对不同年级进行分组显示,大学生对MOOC课程的有用性感知存在显著差异,而易用性感知无显著差异。


      Abstract: The rapid development of Internet technology helps increase popularity of MOOC education among students, but there still exists poor course persistence and low completion rate. Based on TAM and group dynamics theory, the study analyzes 464 valid questionnaires in Xian Jiaotong University. The results show that perceived usefulness of MOOC has positive effect on online interaction and learning performance. Perceived ease of use has significant impact on perceived usefulness and further influences learning performance. In grade groupings, significant differences are discovered in terms of perceived usefulness of MOOC, but perceived ease of use does not show significant differences.


